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E-Commerce Site Search – Best Practices to Increase Conversion (Part – 2)

E-Commerce Site Search Best Practices for Increased Conversion May 06 / 2023

Onsite search is one of the most powerful features to increase conversion if you use it in the right way. Any customer with a particular product in mind will be going straight to the search bar. As an e-commerce web development company, we have compiled some tactics that can help you improve your e-commerce site search strategy.

E-Commerce Site Search Practices That Work 

Did you know that about 45% of customers go straight to the search bar when entering the website? But about 72% of the e-commerce sites fail to fulfill the site search expectations of the customers. To be in that elite 28%, adopt these site search practices.

Avoid Zero Search Results

We know that it is an impossible feat to stock everything that every user wants. Eventually, there comes a user who will need an item that you don’t stock.

But when they use the search bar to find the item, what should the results page show? No results found? Never.

What you have now is an opportunity. If you don’t have the exact item that your user is searching for, provide him/her with relevant products.

In some cases, the user might settle with the products that you show and sometimes not. But with relevant results displayed, at least they do not feel stranded.

Also Read: E-Commerce Site Search – Best Practices to Increase Conversion (Part – 1)

Speak the Language of Your Customers 

When you are an e-commerce site owner, one main thing to do is find relevant keywords that would rank. Another thing to note is the right words to use while labelling your products.

The users will search for the products with the name they know. It is rare for a user to search for the industry name of the product before searching for it on your site.

For example, your user may be searching for cushions using the term pillows. When they search for pillows, they expect the search engine to show them different types of cushions.

Also, use natural language processing (NLP) to provide relevant options for the natural queries of the users. Your site needs to process the information even if the user searches with keywords like “red long dress size 12”.

Hence, it becomes important to find the words that your customers usually use and optimize the site for those.

Add Visual Search

The world is moving on fast in terms of the shopping experience. Visual search is the new requirement for a seamless search experience.

The products are abundant and the users would not know the names of them all. The image search saves a lot of time and makes the shopping experience effortless.

The customer will simply add an image of the product that he wants and the e-commerce site provides the options. If you are aiming to attract customers of all age groups, then adding an image search is highly recommended.

Use Metadata to the Fullest 

Spend quality time to include title tags and descriptions for your products. Include targeted keywords while adding these titles and meta descriptions. They are key for your customers to find the products they are searching for.

You should use the analytics tool to find the right keywords to add to the descriptions and titles. Also, you could use the keyword tools to find the possible keywords your customers would use to search for a particular product.

Also Read: How Does Video Content Help Improve SEO?

Add Favorite and Add to Cart Buttons to Search Results 

The consumer journey should be smooth from the start to the finish for a user to convert.

Favorite and add to cart buttons should be included in every search result so that the user need not click on the product to add it to favorites or to add it to the cart.

Going through multiple pages to complete an action would only make the user abandon the website fast.

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Tell us the vision you have for your website and we will make it come true. Check out the works of our e-commerce web development experts here before you give us a call.

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