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The Importance of UI/UX Design in Web Development Jul 10 / 2024

The Importance of UI/UX Design in Web Development

Table of Contents What Is Web Development? What Is UI/UX Design? Reasons Why Your Website/App Needs Efficient UI/UX Design Increased Conversion Rates Customer Retention Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Better Understanding of Your Audience Better Emotional Connection Enhanced Trust and Credibility Imagine that you are on a cross-country road trip. You are excited and ready to have […]

What Is Content Repurposing - On-Page SEO Jun 12 / 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Content Repurposing – The Underrated SEO Factor

Table of Contents What Is Content Repurposing? Why Content Repurposing Matters? Stats Don’t Lie How to Repurpose Content Effectively? Identify High-Potential Content Repurpose Blog Posts into Different Formats Repurpose Whitepaper and Reports into Blogs Break Down the Content into Pieces Try Podcasting Turn Similar Content Blogs into an E-Book Repurposing is not new to us. […]

7 Actionable On-Page SEO Factors to Know - On-Page Optimisation May 30 / 2024

7 Actionable On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know

Table of Contents Introduction What Is On-Page SEO and Why Is It Important? On-Page SEO Tips to Know About Create Content with Search Intent in Mind   Check on Old Blogs Use Canonical Tags Explore Schema Markup Choose Compelling Headlines Place Social Sharing Buttons in Easy-to-Find Places Use Numbers in Your Title Tag   Frequently […]

Phases Involved in Web Development May 25 / 2024

What Are the Phases Involved in Web Development?

Table of Contents Introduction Research Phase Planning Phase Finding a Suitable Web Development Team Design Phase Development Phase Testing Phase Launch Maintenance Phase Frequently Asked Questions Introduction We come across websites almost daily while browsing through our phones. You might have stumbled upon a captivating webpage that made navigating through its content effortless. But have […]

What Is On-Page SEO Apr 30 / 2024

Cracking the Code: Mastering On-Page SEO for Website Excellence

Table of Contents What Is On-Page SEO? What Is the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO? What Are the Major Elements of On-Page SEO? Keywords Research Visual Assets Title Tags Meta Descriptions Geotagging (For Local Search) Site Speed URL Structure Internal Linking Mobile Responsiveness You’ve spent hours planning the perfect party, pouring your heart […]

What Is Web Development Apr 25 / 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Web Development

Table of Contents What Is Web Development? How Does Web Development Differ from Web Design? What Are the Types of Web Development? Frontend Development Backend Development Full Stack Web Development Why Is Web Development Important? You browse through thousands of websites daily but have you taken a moment to wonder what goes into the making […]

Google Spam and Core update - March 2024 Apr 18 / 2024

Google Algorithm Updates – March 2024

Table of Contents What Happened in March The Spam Update: The Core Update: What Google Tracking Tools Say What the SEO Community and Webmasters Say What Next? What Happened in March March saw big changes in Google’s functioning. Along with the new Spam Update, there was also the release of the March 2024 Core Update. […]

CMS Website Development Company Mar 30 / 2024

Top 5 CMS Platforms for Website Redesign and Blogging – Part 2

Did you know that 94% of the users’ first impressions about your business relate to your site’s web design? Also, 88% of the users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. In the vast landscape of the internet, where first impressions matter a lot, having a well-designed website has become […]

10 Signs Your Website Needs Redesigning Mar 29 / 2024

10 Telltale Signs Your Website Needs Redesigning

Do websites need redesigning? Let me answer this question with a scenario. Say you are leisurely spending your time on social media. You come across an awesome deal and immediately want to order the product. You click on the “Shop Now” button and suddenly you land on a website with outdated design, chunky navigation, and […]

Track Website Calls & Email Clicks with Google Analytics 4 Mar 18 / 2024

How to Track Website Calls and Email Clicks in GA4 Using Google Tag Manager

In today’s digital age, understanding user behavior on your website is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies and enhancing user experience. Track Website Calls & Email Clicks with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) effortlessly. Gain valuable insights into user interactions and improve your online presence. Let our step-by-step guide walk you through […]

Google Ranking Algorithm Updates – February 2024 Mar 12 / 2024

Google Ranking Algorithm Updates – February 2024

February has been another month of uncertainty and the chatter in the SEO community reflects this. While not all of the Google tracking tools showed surges in volatility, many of them did. The reason appears to be the anticipation in the SEO industry of the imminent arrival of a new search ranking algorithm. From around […]

Website Redesign Mistakes to Avoid - Professional Website Redesign Services Feb 18 / 2024

Website Redesign Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

Picture this – you’re the captain of a ship navigating the vast digital ocean and your website acts as the compass that guides your business towards success. Now, what if the compass is outdated, confusing, or just not as effective as it could be? Just like the compass, website design is something that cannot be compromised.

How to set up Google Tag Manager? Feb 13 / 2024

How to Set Up Google Tag Manager: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents Introduction Sign Up for Google Tag Manager Create a Google Tag Manager Account Set Up a Container Install the Google Tag Manager Code Verify Installation Set Up Tags Define Triggers Test and Publish Conclusion Introduction: Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool that allows website owners to manage various tracking codes […]

What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)? Feb 12 / 2024

What is Google Tag Manager? How does it work and what are the Benefits of using Google Tag Manager?

Table of Contents Introduction What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)? How Does Google Tag Manager Work? Key Components of Google Tag Manager: Benefits of using Google Tag Manager: What’s New in Google Tag Manager (2024 Update)? Getting Started with Google Tag Manager Introduction Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of tracking codes and […]

CMS Website Development Company Feb 10 / 2024

Top 5 CMS Platforms for Website Design and Blogging

In 2011, 76% of all the websites on the internet were hand-coded. By 2022, the figure had gone down to a mere 33%. Content management systems are the ones that brought on this change. CMS platforms have made it possible for you to create and run a website even when you don’t know a thing about coding.

CMS Websites Development Company Jan 24 / 2024

What Is CMS and How Can It Be Used in Website Development?

Content Management System (CMS) refers to a software platform that helps its users build, design or maintain websites even if they don’t know a thing about coding. CMS website development platforms are quite popular now, with almost 60% of all websites using at least one of these platforms. Read more to understand how CMS has become the cornerstone of modern website development.

Website Redesign Services Jan 23 / 2024

Why Should You Consider Redesigning Your Website?

The website acts as the face of the brand, shaping the first impression of your customers about your brand. It is a virtual storefront and has the potential to host visitors from all around the world. Hence, your website must look its best. But a good-looking website doesn’t cut it unless it works properly.

Create a Demand Generation Campaign Jan 09 / 2024

How to Create a Demand Generation Campaign in Google Ads

Table of Contents Introduction Step-by-Step Guideto Create a Demand Generation Campaign Requirements for Demand Gen Campaign Conclusion Introduction: Creating a demand generation campaign in Google Ads can help boost your business. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a compelling Demand Gen campaign, ensuring you maximize the potential of your […]

Profile Page Schema Dec 28 / 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Profile Page Structured Data

Table of Contents Introduction What Is Profile Page Schema Markup? Step-By-Step Guide to Create Profile Page Schema How To Add Profile Page Structured Data Sample Of A Profile Page With Markup Structured Data Type Definitions For Creators Guidelines Conclusion Introduction In today’s connected world, standing out online is essential! Whether you’re an individual or a […]

Types of Schema Markup in SEO Dec 20 / 2023

A Guide to Schema Markup Types

Table of Contents Introduction Types of Schema Markup in SEO Conclusion Introduction Schema markup is a way of providing search engines with additional information about your website’s content. This helps them better understand your content and can lead to richer search results, potentially improving your click-through rate and organic traffic. Types of Schema Markup in […]

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