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Website Redesign Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

Website Redesign Mistakes to Avoid - Professional Website Redesign Services Feb 18 / 2024

Table of Contents

Common Pitfalls to Avoid While Redesigning the Website

  • Goal-less Redesigning
  • Prioritizing Aesthetics over Functionality
  • Setting an Unrealistic Budget and Timeline
  • Not Minding the Content Strategy
  • Ignoring Security Measures
  • Conclusion

According to a report by The Gomez, around 88% of the users are less likely to return to a site, after a bad experience.

Picture this – you’re the captain of a ship navigating the vast digital ocean and your website acts as the compass that guides your business towards success. Now, what if the compass is outdated, confusing, or just not as effective as it could be? Just like the compass, website design is something that cannot be compromised. Hence, if you are not happy with your website, you must consider website redesign. You can do it yourself if you have the resources or you can hire website redesign services to get the job done. Whichever you choose, here are some website redesign mistakes that you should avoid along the way.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid While Redesigning the Website

The website is an online representative of the business. The pros and cons of the website reflect clearly on the business. Redesign mistakes not only tarnish your reputation but are also a waste of money and time. Hence, make sure that you sidestep these mistakes during the redesign process.

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1. Goal-less Redesigning

Website redesign is a serious job where time is money. You just can’t think one day “My website looks old. Let me do some redesigning.” and start right away.

Website redesigning needs planning and analysis. You need to figure out what isn’t working or is ineffective and how you are going to make it right. You need to check the previous analytics of the design which will give you an idea of the areas that need redesigning and the ones that need to be left alone.

Make a list of things that need to be changed and the time needed to get them done. Communicate this clearly to the web designer/developer you have hired for the job. Make sure that you do A/B testing often since it is easy to wrongly assume what your users need. The testing will help clarify the changes that work.

All this planning takes time but it is time well-spent if you want to go in the right direction without wasting your money.

2. Prioritizing Aesthetics over Functionality

Often, we see customers demanding a ‘beautiful site’ that stuns the visitors. You want your website to look better but that should not be your only goal. The functionality of the site matters more since users will not stay on a site in which the images take time to load, even if it is stunning to the eye.

Hence, we would suggest you always prioritize functionality over aesthetics in your redesigning goals. Look to build a site that has record low bounce rates, lightning speed loading time and works like magic on all types of screens.

3. Setting an Unrealistic Budget and Timeline

Budget and timeline are two important factors that affect the website redesigning process. Often, business owners tend to set unbelievably short timelines and small budgets, especially when hiring website redesign services.

Website redesign as mentioned before involves meticulous planning followed by many stages like content creation, development, testing and more. Low budgets and unrealistic deadlines will push the designers/developers to rush the process and this will lead to subpar results, which are not going to help you.

Make sure that you have a good discussion with the designer/developer while deciding on the budget and deadlines.

4. Not Minding the Content Strategy

Content – the reason users visit your site. Hence, it is better to start the redesigning process from the internal pages that have content rather than the homepage – after all, the homepage is present to direct the visitors to the content pages. Most of the time, people enter a site through the links to these internal pages.

Reinforce your site with interesting content. You can create new ones and also use existing ones. Use the metrics on visitor behavior to organize the content. Make sure that the content is SEO-optimized.

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5. Ignoring Security Measures

We live in a world in which over 30,000 websites get hacked every day and around 40% of the cybercrimes are against small businesses. Neglecting website security is a risk no business owner should take.

While redesigning your website, contribute a part of the budget for cybersecurity. One website hack is enough to plunge your rankings to rock bottom. Prioritise security by using HTTPS and keeping your software updated. Make sure the designer implements robust security measures.

LBN Tech Solutions

As you embark on the journey to better your website, partnering with experts can save you a lot of time and money. At LBN Tech Solutions, we believe in delivering the best. To learn more about the website redesign services we offer, click here.

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